Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Flu Season

Floating balloon skull
adrift clouds of crystal daggers
this weightless edge
of dulled desperation
has exasperated my mind.
I cradle my quiet urge to land on my knees
face down pressing the cold ground,
broken and surrendered
to the weight of countless moons.
I have a haunted child-
it brings me dead flowers that neither smell nor look
for anything much.
Just a crumpled mess,
just a life cut short of it's beauty,
it's potential to radiate.
I'm pathetic, pity this sad white face,
acid breath, red cheeks, cracked by the wind of indifference.
I'm old now too, this isn't endearing, this isn't palatable, this isn't cool.
There is nothing to articulate, my reasons are minute and infinite.
It's just malaise, a dulled pounding head
with glimpses of short half formulated renderings
of a whole picture, a sketch, smears of carbon
by  a hand with stiff bones
and a mouth,
stale hollow slipping sordid soliloquies.

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